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What Will Happen to CMO Pay in 2020?

Most (84%) CMOs say their compensation is tied to improved business results. That could spell bad news for 2020 pay as the pandemic has disrupted most CMOs’ 2020 plans. So reports MarTech Series.

dollar 3706548 640smallA study by the CMO Council on “CMO Compensation: Erosion, Stagnation or Elevation?” shows that CMOs who directly report to the CEO earn a lot more compared to their peers. The survey, which was conducted before the World Health Organization declared the global pandemic, also found that 85% of CMOs receive bonus-based compensation.

Additionally, last year CMOs at large firms (250+ employees) pulled in an average of $305,000 in salary and bonus. Those in medium size firms (50-249 employees) took home an average of more than $212,000 in base and bonus, while those in small firms (10-49 employees) received the lowest tally at just over $118,000. Interestingly, CMOs at micro firms (those with 9 or less staffers) earned an average of more than $196,000, with the bulk of that total coming from salary.

Read the full article from MarTech Series.

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