“CCOs are champions of what success looks like and means through the lens of the customer,” according to a recent column from Toolbox.com. Article author Camille Nicita, Chief Executive Officer at Gongos, writes that while traditional marketing data will always be useful, its value is limited. Brands must look beyond the numbers and ask the right questions to yield qualitative insights. It's vital to understand customers in order to achieve growth and stability.
CCOs are the ones to do this. They are crucial to putting together a plan to execute on customer goals. While some firms dedicate this responsibility to the CMO, Nicita argues that firms need leadership dedicated specifically to customer outcomes.
CCOs must “establish a vision for the music, write the composition, set the tempo, and hold the team members accountable for their part in the production of the customer strategy,” Nicita writes.
While the CMO will never become obsolete, the CCO will continue to gain importance.