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How to Help Sales and Marketing Get on the Same Page  

Misalignment between sales and marketing costs businesses more than $1 trillion a year. So reports the Harvard Business Review.

handshake 220233 1280It can also lead to a lack of trust between the departments. However, there are steps firms can take to put the teams on the same page. Here are four strategies:

  1. “Audit the content you have to enable revenue generation. Sales and marketing must think more strategically about the content theyre sharing with B2B buyers. That’s because buyers are increasingly relying on written materials when making decisions. Mapping content to your objectives can help you see what’s being used well and what’s not.
  2. Have marketing shadow sales calls. Cross-department shadowing can help ensure alignment between the teams and lead to ideas for sales enablement content. You can enable this by asking marketing team members to listen to sales calls regularly, and have them attend sales hangouts and debrief meetings.
  3. Brainstorm together. Holding recurring brainstorming sessions can help shore up sales process gaps and lead to white paper and webinar topics. “The goal of these brainstorming sessions is to uncover insights that can help replicate wins and shake loose content ideas that will support future sales,” according to the article.
  4. Give the sales team info about prospects. Marketing often uses automation software, which means they often have information that the sales team does not. “Create a process to allow the sales team to access key background information on the people they’ve booked phone calls with,” according to the article.

Read the full article from Harvard Business Review.

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