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Most Brand Strategies Failing to Address Climate Change: Marketer Survey

The CMO Survey finds that while marketing budgets and investments in digital marketing are on the rise, only one-third of marketers surveyed say the brand strategies at their firms incorporate climate change-related goals.

climate change g8d54d91d3 640Meanwhile, 40% say their firms are taking no action at all to lower the climate change risk.

The survey was sponsored by Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business, the Fuqua/Coach K Center on Leadership & Ethics, Deloitte LLP and the American Marketing Association. It includes survey responses from 320 top marketers at U.S. for-profit firms.

The most common climate-related actions firms are taking include:

  • Lowering the impact of their products and services on the climate (33%)
  • Increasing “reuse, resale, and recycling levels within companies (31%),” according to the survey
  • Dedicating more money to innovation that leads to more environmentally friendly products (27%)

Read the full post from Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business.

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