The collection, known as “Michelob Origins,” was launched in partnership with ad agency Gut Mexico City. It is part of an effort by the brand to reposition itself as a health and wellness lifestyle brand to appeal to younger consumers. The new line consists of 16 shirts that are designed by a variety of personalities, including Monica Loya, Dave Ordnajela, Dozer, Pogo, Roji, Raúl Urias and Hola Lou. The slogan for the line is "Train your FUN side," and the campaign is designed to "balance the scales between fit and fun," the company said in a press release.
Michelob Ultra is the “fastest-growing beer brand in the U.S., and the No. 2 beer in the industry based on sales,” according to the article. Its calorie count is a major part of its popularity.
Read the full article from Marketing Dive.