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Is ABM the Future of Marketing?

If you are not using Account-Based Marketing (ABM), you may want to take a closer look at your B2B sales and marketing efforts to see if ABM can help. So reports Forbes.

marketing platforms.jpegEssentially, ABM tells you “the top specific company accounts you want to be targeting” and helps you “put a marketing campaign in place that only speaks to those specific accounts/people.” This approach helps you ensure 100% of your marketing spend is directed at higher value or more appropriate targets.

The article says a good ABM campaign has the following elements:

  • A solid list of targets (people, not companies)
  • A list of email addresses that can be uploaded into a Google Ads account. This way Google can target advertising to these individuals no across multiple sites.
  • Campaigns and automated nurturing to the precise targets utilizing 6-7 pieces of content.
  • You can set up advertising on a number of other platforms, such as LinkedIN, InMail, Facebook, etc. “Your target contacts won’t be able to miss your advertising messaging… [increasing the] odds they will want to work with you given the increased frequency of seeing your messaging.”

The article further notes that it is important to customize messaging to specific targets when possible. You should also have unique content for each channel.

Read the full article from Forbes.

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