CMO Tech

CMO Tech (192)

IDC Identifies Leading Tech Platforms for Marketers

Google, Adobe, Facebook, Marketo, and Salesforce have been ranked as some of the most cutting edge technology platforms for marketing, according to a study by IDC. So reports InfoTechLead.


Facebook’s Use of AI for Trending Topics Creates Blunders

Marketing executives that are considering tapping artificial intelligence (AI) for content generation may want to look at recent blunders resulting from Facebook’s decision to replace its editors with automation technology.


Why is Social Media Spending Falling Short of Expectations?

A CMO Survey found businesses are spending a substantially higher portion of their marketing budgets on social media, but less than they initially anticipated when questioned in 2009.


How PowerBar's Brand Gets Its Power

As Social and Digital Marketing Lead for the PowerBar and Premier Protein sport nutrition brands, Jennifer Hirst has to combine strategy with vision to achieve digital marketing objectives.


Dominos Pizza Faces Challenges with Virtual Assistant

Technologies that can automate the processing of customer orders placed verbally can help firms compete and cut expenses. However, Dominos cautions that customers can be lost quickly when the technology falters, says CIO Kevin Vasconi. So reports CIO.


Technology Can Help Firms Simplify Social Media Marketing

Marketers are faced with the complex challenge of providing updated content on a variety of social media platforms, so understanding how technology can streamline operations is essential. So reports Social Barrel.


Google Ad Changes Could Boost Click Through Rates

Google’s launch of extended text ads for targeting mobile device users has potential for improving click through rates, or at least developing comparable results to the company’s traditional advertising. But, for now, a wide range in results can be expected. So reports Search Engine Land.


Digital Citizenship & the Brand: Interview with David Ryan Polgar

A global network summit has turned its focus on the safe, savvy, and ethical use of social media and technology by individual citizens, brands, industry, educational institutions and organizations.


Consumer Survey Points to Advantages of Virtual Reality

In a survey by Greenlight VR of 1,300 consumers, 53% of respondents said they would be more likely to buy products from a brand that uses virtual reality than a brand that doesn’t. So reports AdWeek.


MGID Launches Anti-Ad Blocking

MGID, which provide billions of online content impressions per month for lifestyle and entertainment publishers, has launched anti-ad blocking technology at a time when ad blocking is estimated to cost advertisers $22 billion annually. So reports MarketingTech.


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